list of all publications


De Muze

in June 1989 a booklet was published to commemorate the hundredth birthday of the poet Anna Achmatova, offered for sale at 25 kopekes in her home, now the Anna Achmatova museum, in Petersburg, which was still available in May 2005; to which in January 2005 a few pages were added by Mercator including the poem The Muse in a Dutch translation, hand-set in Bembo and published in 60 copies, of which 35 were meant for the yearly publication of Het Beschreven Blad, the Society of Printers and Bibliophiles at Haarlem 13 pp 13 x 23 cm
€ 20

Tableau mourant

a poem by Gerrit Achterberg, hand-set in garamond 36, printed in February 1990 as a multicolor print in 25 copies 55 x 40 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

Alkman, de smulpaap

fragment 49D by Alkman, hand-set in Times Greek, with a facing Dutch translation by Mercator hand-set in Erasmus, printed in November 1991 in 100 copies, 40 of which for HBB, the Society of Printers and Bibliophiles at Haarlem 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
€ 5

dag en nacht

the Greek texts, fragments of Alkman, Archilochos, Ibykos, Sappho, Mimnermos and Herakleitos, hand-set in Monotype Greek and the translations by Mercator in Bembo,were printed in the autumn of 2014 on Zerkall 120 g in 50 copies with two illustrations by Jan Willem Boer 16 pp 25 x 17,5 cm
€ 15

allo erotikon

Anakreonteon 31, one of the so-called Anakreontea, poems in the style of Anakreon, hand-set in Augustijn Griex No.604 by Fleischman and Bembo, printed in 30 copies in September 2003 for members of Het Beschreven Blad, a society of printers and book lovers at Haarlem, and especially for Eric Schots 7,5 x 10,5 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

allo erotikon

Anakreonteon 31, one of the so-called Anakreontea, poems in the style of Anakreon, hand-set in Augustijn Griex No.604 by Fleischman, with the translation by Mercator in Bembo, printed in 30 copies in September 2003 with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 10 x 17 cm
€ 10

Cocktail voor Kitty

Anakreonteon 20, one of the so-called Anakreontea, poems in the style of Anakreon, hand-set in Augustijn Griex No.604 by Fleischman, with the translation by Mercator in Bembo, printed in 36 copies in September 2003 for Kitty Keijser 14 x 20,5 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Nog wat erotika

Anakreontea 20 and 31, poems in the style of Anakreon, hand-set in Augustijn Griex No.604 by Fleischman, with the translations by Mercator in Bembo, printed in 36 copies in September 2003 with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 10 x 14 cm
uitv/sold out

de hoorn des overvloeds

six Anakreon fragments hand-set in Antigone, the translations by Mercator in Lutetia, printed in April 2020 on Zerkall, in 40 copies with an illustration by Wynand van de Vin 21 x 14 cm
€ 20

heer van luilekkerland te zijn

six fragments by Anakreon were hand-set in Antigone, the translations by Mercator in Lutetia, and printed in December 2021 on Arches paper 240 g in 10 copies with 2 etchings by Berdien van Lieshout 16 pp 24 x 20 cm
€ 60

een rare vogel

Anakreon, fragment 318 P, hand-set in Antigone, the Dutch translation by Mercator, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in December 2021 on Zerkall, in 50 copies, with a unique bird-collage made by Wynand van de Vin 16 pp 19,5 x 14,5 cm
€ 15


epigram 145 from book XII of the Anthologia Palatina, hand-set in Grieks No 600, an 18th Century Enschedé letter, with a Dutch translation by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, with an illustration by Mercator, printed on Zerkall-Bütten paper 120 g in August 2009 in 99 copies, for Nieuw Vriendenlust, presented to Nop Maas on the occasion of his 60th birthday 4 pp 26 15 cm
niet te koop/not for sale


50 x 45 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

Allemachtig Frans 80

a poem by Apollinaire from Alcools, hand-set in Gill, printed in April 2001, in 100 copies, 75 of which for the Album Amicorum, Allemachtig Frans Tachtig, presented to Frans de Jong on the occasion of his 80th birthday 2 pag. 15 x 10,5 cm
€ 5

Nuit Rhénane

a poem by Apollinaire from Alcools, with a Dutch translation by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, printed in 40 copies in January 2008, with an illustration by Jörg Remé, in memoriam Hans Voeten 8 pp 25 x 17 cm
€ 20

In memoriam Archilochos

some fragments by Archilochos, with facing Dutch translations by Mercator, printed in 100 copies in June 1983 16 pag. 15 x 20 cm
uitv./sold out

Voor Jan Keyser, 50 jaar

fragment 129 by Archilochos, hand-set in Monotype Greek, with a facing Dutch translation by Mercator, in Lutetia, printed with the motto DAT DOEN WE TOCH EVEN, in 60 copies, on the occasion of Jan Keijser´s 60th birthday on 18 November 1990 4 pag. 30 x 19 cm

Alles met mate

fragment 129 by Archilochos, hand-set in Monotype Greek and Lutetia, printed in 91 copies on the occasion of Dr.D.F.W.van Lennep´s 91st birthday on 5 December 1991, with a facing Dutch translation by Mercator, as belated thanks to his former teacher for having instilled in his student the love of Greek Literature 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
€ 10

The Cattle Problem

two mathematical problems, in the form of an elegiac distichon, by Archimedes, which he posed to the scientists at Alexandria in a letter to Eratosthenes; the Greek text hand-set in AUGUSTIJN GRIEKS NO.2, a letter attributed to the famous letter designer Fleischman; the English translation facing the Greek text by Dr. H.W. Lenstra, professor of Mathematics at both Berkeley University and the University of Leyden, and Dr Steven Hillion, hand-set in a letter by Fleischman (1740), with a woodengraving by Peter Lazarov, printed from the block, printed in May 1999 in 150 copies on Lana-paper 250 g 16 pages 41 x 21,2 cm
€ 50


a new poem by Arie van den Berg, hand-set in Lutetia, on the occasion of the poetry day of Gymnasium Felisenum in April 1995, printed in XXV and 150 copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper, I-X on Fabriano Roma paper, iv of which with an illustration by Jörg Remé, signed by the poet dichter, 30 copies printed on Zerkall paper, signed by poet and artist 12 pag. 28 x 20,5 cm
€ 50; €15


a new poem by Arie van den Berg, hand-set in Walbaum 14, with two illustrations by Jörg Remé, printed in September 1998 on Somerset velvet white in 100 and 40 copies, which 40 copies were presented to HBB, the Society of Printers and Bibliophiles at Haarlem, as part of the series Indrukwekkend, to with a photocopy of the MS was added 8 pag. 27 x 15,5 cm
€ 20


a new poem by Arie van den Berg, written in August 1999 for Pieter van den Berg on the occasion of his 18th birthday on 22 November 1999, han-set in Lutetia, printed in November 1999 in X and 80 copies on Velin de Lana paper 250 g with an illustration by Jörg Remé 8 pag. 27 x 17,6 cm
€ 15


two new poems by Arie van den Berg: ballade written in October 2006 for the wedding party of a friend: taal, written in November 2006 on the occasion of a presentation of work by the artist Tine Wilde at Arti et Amicitiae, hand-set in Bembo, the texts of which printed at Berges on a hand press, in 100 copies, on Cannabis paper 125 g, with illustrations by dick berendes-typografiek, signed by the poet and the artist 12 pag. 25,5 x 18,2 cm
€ 20


an elegy by Arie van den Berg for teacher, friend, translator, writer Frans de Haan (1935-2010), hand-set in Romanee, printed in November 2011, on Arches 160 g, in 50 copies, with an illustration by Mercator 24 pp 23 x 16 cm
€ 20

De wijn

was hand-set in Garamond together with the Menu of the dinner on 18 December 2010 on the occasion of the 179th anniversary of the death of Willem Bilderdijk and printed on Zerkall paper in 50 copies with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 20,3 x 14 cm
€ 15

de wijn

the poem De wijn by Willem Bilderdijk was hand-set in Garamond and printed in December 2010 with an illustration by Mercator in 20 copies for Collège Bourguignon 4 pp 14,1 x 12,5
niet te koop/not for sale

aan een dichter

aan een dichter die mij weleens verzen en ook weleens een haas zond by Willem Bilderdijk 1808 hand-set in Garamond, together with the menu card on 21 December 2012, on the occasion of the 181st anniversary of the death of the poet, printed in 85 copies on Zerkall paper, with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 20 x 14,2 cm
€ 15


a few lines by Willem Bilderdijk, hand-set in Bembo, were printed on Zerkall in 75 copies to go with the menu of the dinner party on the occasion of the 183th anniversary of the death of the poet in Noord-Hollands Archief at Haarlem with an illustration by Mercator 20 x 14
€ 10

de pen

Menu of the dinnerparty on 15 December 2017 on the occasion of the 186th year of death of Willem Bilderdijk, hand-set in Lutetia in 60 copies and printed on Hahnemuele 8 pp 20,5 x 28 cm
€ 15

Zolang er vrienden....

a bookmark with 7 aphorisms by Godfried Bomans, printed at Haarlem in 1981 at the request of Openbare Bibliotheek Haarlem to commemorate the fact that the author died 10 years before 2 pag. 22,7 x 6,7 cm
€ 15

The Fool

a fragment from Sebastian Bryant, Shyp of Folys of the Worlde, illustrating a fool reading a book, hand-set in Cancelleresca Bastarda, printed in 20 copies on the occasion of Bubb Kuyper showing his new premises to friends and clients on 14 February 1986
not for sale


a poem by Charlotte Brönte, hand-set in Canceleresca Bastarda, printed in January 1998 in 40 copies on a flyer announcing the play Jane Eyre, based on the novel by Charlotte Brönte 21 x 14,5 cm
€ 5

Byron, Don Juan Canto 2,4

hand-set in 10 pt. Cancellaresca Bastarda, printed in 150 copies, in December 1984, with Best Wishes for 1985 8 pp. 11 x 8 cm

Impromptu Chanson

on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Nederlands Byron Genootschap, hand-set in Garamont and, with a facing Dutch translation by Joop van Helmond, printed in 100 copies in October 1985 8 pp. 28,5 x 18,5 cm
€ 20

Byron, Don Juan, Canto 2,4

hand-set in 10pt Cancellaresca Bastarda, with an illustration by Jörg Remé, printed in 4 copies in December 1995 8 pp. 11 x 8 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Best Wishes for 1999

Byron, Don Juan II, iv, hand-set in Cancellaresca Bastarda, with an illustration by Jörg Remé


carmen LXX by Catullus, with a translation into Dutch by Mercator, hand/set in Bembo, printed in February 2007 on Zerkall paper, in 40 copies, 35 of which for the annual publication of HBB, the Society of Printers and Bibliophiles at Haarlem 8 pag. 20 x 14,2 cm
niet te koopl/not for sale

Catullus XIII

the Latin text of Catullus XIII with a facing translation by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo and in February 2004 printed in 35 copies for the annual publication of HBB, the Society of Printers and Booklovers at Haarlem, with the motto Trek (= Lust) 4 pag. 20 x 15 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

libellus lepos

eight poems by Catullus with facing Dutch translations by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, printed in February 2009 in 80 copies, on Zerkall-Bütten 120 g, with an illustration by Mercator, numbered and signed 24 pp 20,1 x 14,5 cm
€ 20


two typographical interpretations of a poem by e e cummings, hand-set in Gill and Iris, printed in 90 copies in the summer of 1986 by Ammoniet & Mercator Press 4 pp. 21 x 7 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


poetry print of YES, a poem by e e cummings, in a variety of colours; originally printed in 16 copies on 16 May 1992, improved upon on 16 May 2002, after which process 6 copies were approved 36 x 50 cm
€ 25

I, New York

a print, in a variety of colours by Mercator, with a poem by R. Cunningham, hand-set in Gill 36 bold, printed on 31 May 2003 in 6 copies 36,5 x 55 cm
€ 50


a fragment from Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, about the God of the Old Testament, hand-set in Lectura, printed at Berges in June 2008, in 30 copies, on Zerkall paper, with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp. 20 x 13,8 cm
€ 20

six poems - zes gedichten

by Emily Dickinson, with facing translations into Dutch by Els Proost, hand-set in Walbaum, printed in January 2009 in 50 copies on Somerset Velvet White 250 g, with an illustration by Mercator 8 p 20 x 14,5 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

so still so cool

poem 129 was hand-set in Walbaum in August 2019 and printed in 50 copies with an illustration and a translation into Dutch by Mercator for the project Houtsnippers 8 pp 24 x 31,5 cm
€ 15

ode aan het rijm

recited by the author, Adriaan van Dis, from the pulpit in the great St Bavo Church at Haarlem, on 21 December 2012, on the occasion of the 181 anniversary of the death of Willem Bilderdijk, was hand-set in Bembo and printed in 100 copies on Zerkall paper, with an illustration by Mercator 16 pp, 20 x 14,2 cm
€ 20

I Have Been Faithful to Thee, Cynara, In My Fashion

a poem by Ernest Dowson, hand-set in Garamond, printed in October 1991 in 80 copies
uitverkocht/sold out


4 pp 21 x 15 cm
€ 25


Cats by Eleanor Farjeon, hand-set in Erasmus and printed in 80 copies in April 1984 by Kore Press in collaboration with Mercator 4 pp. 17 x 7,5 cm
€ 5

Tuin van Epicurus

a poem by Ida Gerhardt, hand-set in Lectura, printed in May 185, in which the poet celebrated her 80th birthday, with a linocut by Lex ter Braak, in 75 copies 6 pag. 28 x 19,6 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

And Robert Graves Lives On

two poems by Robert Graves (Ulysses, Despite and Still) with facing Dutch translations, hand-set in Cancelleresca Bastarda and printed on Zerkall-Bütten paper in June 1982, 45 copies of which a contribution to the Drukken Project of Drukwerk in de Marge, 30 presents for friends of Mercator Press 20 pp. 17 x 11 cm
€ 20


a poem in prose by J.I. de Haan, also a letterproof of MERCATOR, a letter designed by Dick Dooijes, the contribution of Mercator Press to DE GROTE NEDERLANDSE LETTERPROEF, a project of Drukwerk in de Marge, hand-set in Mercator 12, 36, 48, 60, printed in 110 copies on Van Gelder paper, Hollands Druk Vergé 150 grs, 15 of which were collected in Letters van Dick Dooijes, a project with Condorpers
€ 20

Letters van Dick Dooyes

ZAANDAM & EN EEN JEUGDIGE VRIEND, two poems in prose by Haan, 15 copies of the contributions of Mercator Press and Condopers to DE GROTE NEDERLANDSE LETTERPROEF, a project of Drukwerk in de Marge, hand-set in Mercator and Lectura, signed by Dick Dooijes
€ 35


the famous poem by Jan Hanlo, hand-set in Romanee, printed in November 1996 in 20 copies 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


the fragments B 7 en B 67 by Herakleitos, the philosopher who created light out of darkness, were hand-set in Greek Monotype and the translations in Bembo and printed in April 2014 on Zerkall 140 g in 50 copies for Silvia Zwaaneveldt, not for sale, and XVI copies with 4 more pages and a cover 4/8 pp
€ 15

vette hopla

the text was hand-set in December 2019 in Gill extra bold and printed in 50 copies on Onion Skin 30 g by Mercator Press 2 pp 30 x 24 cm

Dag Drukker

the tekst of this print was hand-set in extra bold Gill in December 2019 and printed in 20 copies on Simili Japon 225 g surrounded by wooden letters printed at Berges in the summer of 2019 2 pp 47 x 32 cm
€ 35; ingelijst € 75

Lesse van den Heer Theodore de Mayerne,

recipe for health given by Constantijn Huygens, hand-set in 10 pt. Cancelleresca Bastarda, printed in December 1982, in 90 copies 2 pag. 15 x 9 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

Rammen maar

fragment 6 by Ibykos, hand-set in Times Greek nad the translation into Dutch by Mercator in Bembo, in 100 copies, 75 of which for the Album Amicorum RAMMEN MAAR/KLOOIEN MET LETTERS, presented to Jan Keijser on the occasion of his 60th birthday on 18 November 2000 8 pag.
niet in de handel/not for sale


fragment 267P, 7D by Ibykos, hand-set in 603, a 19th C type from Enschede, not mentioned in Typefoundries, the translation by Mercator in Bembo, printed in December 2016 on Zerkall 120 g in 40 copies 8 pp 21 x 15 cm
€ 10

Groeten uit de Bilderdijkstrrat

a city poem by Adriaan Jaeggi, official poet of the city of Amsterdam, recited on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the death of Willem Bilderdijk in St Bavo Cathedral at Haarlem on 18 December 2006,was hand-set in Lutetia in December 2008 and printed in 100 copies on Zerkall paper 120 g, with an illustration by Mercator 8 p 20,2 x 14,1 cm
€ 15

O Rare Ben Jonson

four poems by Ben Jonson, hand-set in 10pt. Cancelleresca Bastarda and printed in 100 copies in 1981 16 pp. 12,5 x 8 cm
€ 20

Tekenzolder De Waag

a poem by Hester Knibbe, hand-set in Lectura 12 pts and printed in 200 copies for Map met Spaarne-gedichten, which was made by the Printers of HBB, the Society of Printers and Book Lovers at Haarlem, at the request of De Zingende Zaag on the occasion of Poetry Night on Saturday 14 February 2004 at Toneelschuur in Haarlem
niet in de handel/not for sale

Twee Spaarne gedichten

Tekenzolder De Waag by Hester Knibbe and Tuin aan het Spaarne by George Moormann, previously published in Het Spaarne stroomt helemaal niet, were hand-set respectively in Walbaum and Lectura and published in April 2005 with an illustration by Mercator in 60 copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper 12p 20 x 28 cm
€ 10

Caran d’Ache

two new poems by Hester Knibbe, hand-set in Bembo, printed in May 2007, in 50 and X copies on Zerkall paper, with a wood engraving by Peter Lazarov, printed from the block, signed by poet and artist 16 pag. 21 x 15 cm
1-50 gebrocheerd € 20; I – X gebonden in rood linnen € 45
Geef een dag

Geef een dag

an illustrated print of the poem by Hester Knibbe, published in Caran d'Ache,hand-set in Bembo 36 pt, printed in December 2008, in XV copies, numbered and signed by poet and printer 60 x 48
€ 75; framed € 150

Herinnering aan Holland

a poem by Gerrit Komrij, later published in Onherstelbaar verbeterd, hand-set in Gill, printed at Woubrugge in August 1981 in 150 copies 4 pag. 23,5 x 4,6 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

Jasmijn Carolina Elisabeth

announcement of the birth of Jasmijn Schalekamp on 14 August 2004, handset in Lutetia and assorted wooden letters 8 pp 14,7 x 10,4
niet in de handel/not for sale


birth announcement of Thijmen Jongman on 5 January 2008, with an illustration by Isabelle, printed in 200 copies on Lana Royal Bright 225 g 11 x 15,9 cm
niet in de handel

20 bijzondere collecties

bookmarker for Gemeentelijke Openbare Bibliotheek Heemstede, hand-set in Gill, printed in 150 copies in the spring of 1985 2 pag. 24,2 x 6,9 cm

aan mijnen geest

the menu of the dinner party for the occasion of the 188th day of death of Willem Bilderdijk was hand-set in Lutetia and printed in 50 copies with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 20 x 28,5 cm
€ 15


Skin and Coming, two poems by Philip Larkin, were hand-set in Mercator and printed on 31 December 2013 on Arches 160 g in 70 copies with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 17,5 x 11,8 cm
€ 15

De Weeklacht

a poem by Mr Jacob van Lennep (1802-1868), die vooral in de periode dat hij op Woestduin woonde een regelmatig bezoeker van herberg De Geleerde Man was, dateert uit 1859 en werd gepubliceerd in Holland, almanak voor 1860. Deze uitgave verscheen in een oplage van 130 exemplaren als nr 2 in de serie Heemsteedse miniaturen. De nrs 1-30 waren bestemd voor de vereniging Oud-Heemstede-Bennebroek, de nrs. 31-60 voor de Gemeentelijke Openbare Bibliotheek Heemstede, I-XXX voor de uitgever en zijn voorzien van een omslag met de afdruk van een prent uit P.J.Lugters, Gezichten in de omstreken van Haarlem (1844) de nrs. 91-130 zijn voorzien van een illustratie van Willem Snitker. De presentatie vond plaats in het vernieuwde restaurant De Geleerde Man te Bennebroek in juni 1986. De tekst werd met de hand gezet uit de Bembo en op een Korrex proefpers gedrukt 18 pag. 27 x 19,5 cm
geb. in blauw linnen € 100

O rijkdom van het onvoltooide

a fragment by J.H.Leopold, published in Verzamelde Verzen(1935), but not recognized as a translation of Oidipous Tyrannus vss. 1186-1192, hand-set in Cancellaresca Bastarda, the Greek text in Antigone, printed in 75 copies on Zerkall paper 225 g, with a linocut by Lex ter Braak 6 pag. 23 x 15 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


lines 1-4 from the second book of Lucretius, De Rerum Natura , hand-set in Gill 24, printed by Mercator in a variety of colours in January 2000 in 30 copies 30 x 20 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

LEX REX, olim artifex

some epigrams by Martial, translated by the classicists of Gymnasium Felisenum, on the occasion of the headmaster´s Drs.A.N.ter Braak leaving office, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in July 1993 in 60 copies, with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 24 pag. 20,5 x 14,5 cm
€ 10

Vitam beatiorem

19 selected epigrams by Martial, with an introduction and facing Dutch translations by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, printed in December 1994 in 100 copies on Zerkall paper, with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 57 pagina's 20 x 14,5 cm
€ 30

vitam beatiorem

epigram X.47 by Martial, with a facing Dutch translation by Mercator, printed for Carolien Kramer-Verdam, on the occasion of her 52nd birthday on 20 April 1995 in 20 copies 8 pag. 20 x 14,5 cm
niet in de handel/sold out

The Character of Holland

Andrew Marvell's satire on Holland, hand-set in Lutetia, with a Dutch translation by Marietje d'Hane-Scheltema, and an illustration by Jörg Remé, printed on Zerkall-Bütten paper in the summer of 1996 in 90 copies 20 pag. 28,5 x 19,5 cm
€ 20


invitation to celebrate the 70th birthday of Alda Cornelia Kramer-Labes, hand-set in Erasmus, printed in November 1982 in 50 copies 16 pag. 16 x 11,5 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Pieter Wispelwey

poster announcing the concert on 15 January 1983 at Gymnasium Felisenum, hand-set in Garamond, printed in 25 copies, with a linocut by Lex ter Braak 40 x 20 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Pieter Wispelwey

program of the concert on 15 January 1983 at Gymnasium Felisenum, hand-set in Garamond,printed in 75 copies, with a linocut by lex ter Braak 4 pag. 20 x 15 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Voor Carolien, 40 jaar oud

a sonnet for Carolien hand-set in Cancellaresca Bastarda, printed on the occasion of her 40th birthday on 20 April 1983 in 10 copies
niet in de handel/not for sale

Van A en Omega

a few sacred pagan texts, printed in September 1984 for 2b of Gymnasium Felisenum 16 pag. 16 x 11,5 cm
€ 15

Liber Amicorum voor John Mulder

hand-set in Bembo, printed in June 1985 in 50 copies 16 pag. 28 x 20 cm

Panta ponos

a few Greek poems and fragments, hand-set in Times Greek and Bembo, printed in the summer of 1988 in 100 copies, 65 of which for the project BLADSPIEGELING of Drukwerk in de Marge 16 pag. 22,5 x 14,5 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

panta ponos, nieuwjaarswens voor 1989

best wishes for 1988, hand-set in Lutetia and Antigone, printed in December 1988 in 300 copies for Friends of Gymnasium Felisenum 21,7 x 14,8 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

Voor Carolien, 49 jaar oud

a sonnet for Carolien, hand-set in Cancellaresca Bastarda, printed on 20 April 1992, in 10 copies 8 pag. 24,5 x 17 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale


three impressions by Mercator about teaching and school, hand-set in Bembo, printed in 90 copies on Zerkall paper, 60 of which are for the project of Drukwerk in de Marge, on the occasion of 20 years DRUKWERK in de MARGE, celebrated with an exhibition at Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, at Middelburg 12 pag. 20 x 14 cm
€ 10

[nieuwjaarswens voor 1996]

a list of Greek mythological figures to wish you all the best in 1996, with an illustration by Jörg Remé in 100 copies 20 x 19 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale


menu of the dinner party given by Sjoerd and Corinna on 6 March 1998 at Gerard Doustraat 25a, hand-set in Lutetia and printed on Lana Royal paper 250 g in 15 copies


the July page of the calendar for the year 2000 made by the printers of HBB, the Society of Printers and Pibliophiles at Haarlem in 75 copies
uitv,/sold out


the November page of the calendar for the year 2000 made by the printers of HBB, the Society of Printers and Pibliophiles at Haarlem in 75 copies
uitv./sold out


birth announcement of Olivia Schalekamp, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in September 2002, on Lana 250 g, in 175 copies 11 x 15 cm

BEELDEN anoniem

This book contains a survey of the sculptures made by the anonymous sculptor of Amsterdam by way of magnificent photographs by Wout Berger . The sculptures, such as man tries to catch the 10-tram at Marnixstraat, breasts in Oudekerksplein, three men in conversation at Kinkerstraat, the violinist in the entrance hall of the Amsterdam Opera, the man sawing a tree in Leidse Bosje, the harmonica player in Anjelierstraat, with his nose in the books in front of Gymnasium Felisenum, the nun in the garden of Elizabeth Hospital at Amersfoort, were mounted anonymously and belong to the most popular public sculptures of this country. The texts facing the photos are by Geert Mak, Toon Tellegen, Louis Andriessen, Willem Ellenbroek, Menno Wigman and Nicolaas Matsier. They were hand-set in Garamond 14 and printed in 200 copies on Somerset Velvet White 250 g 24 pp 37 x 28 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


written by Mercator for Olivia on the occasion of her second birthday party on 23 October 2004; Elmo tells her a secret in 26 couplets; 15,5 x 30 cm; printed out on Zerkall-Bütten paper in 20 copies; with illustrations featuring her great hero Elmo; 15,5 x 30 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Olivia naar het strand

a reader written by Mercator for Olivia Schalekamp, printed on the occasion of her third birthday on 23 October 2005, illustrated with beach pictures in 5 copies 24 pp 15,5 x 22,5 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale


25 texts by Mercator about teaching and school life, hand-set in Bembo, printed in August 2006 in 90 and X copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper 140 g, with two illustrations by Lex ter Braak, with a CD of the texts read by the author 36 pag. 25 x 18 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


2 impressions by Mercator of visiting an alumni day of the old school ; hand-set in Bembo; printed in 85 copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper; 75 copies of which for the Doos voor Hans, the master printer of Augustijn Press; 10 copies of which sewn and with a cover bearing the title 8 pag. 20,4 x 14,1 cm
€ 5


a poem in memoriam Karst Bouman, one of the poems fron Schoolherinneringen by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, printed in 24 copies on Zerkall paper, with a portrait 8 pag. 20,4 x 14,1 cm
€ 10
Korte geschiedenis

Korte geschiedenis van het Collège Bourguignon

written by Hans Voeten and Willem Kramer, published in November 2007, on the occasion of the 50th birthday of College Bourguignon 20 pag. 22,2 x 17 cm
€ 40

Greek Letters

Greek Letters is a Type Specimen of the Greek Typefaces of Mercator Press, illustrated by texts hand-set in the various Greek Typefaces as specified, with all the other texts hand-set in Lutetia, and printed in the winter of 2016 and summer of 2017 on Arches 250 g. There are 7 illustrations by Jörg Remé, printed from the blocks, facing the Greek texts. Notes provide some historical background on Greek typefaces. 24 pp 20 x 20 cm
I-V half parchment € 100 sold out;
1-30 soft cover €50

de beste wensen voor 2005

with a picture of a still-life composed at Berges and a fragment from one of the Songs by the French poet Colin Muset (13th C.) and a facing Dutch translation by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo and printed in 200 copies 8 pag. 10 x 7 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

de beste wensen voor/best wishes for/les meilleurs voeux pour MMVI

hand-set in Bembo, Bodoni and ot her typesfaces, in which publication of the following books were announced: De droefenis van copyrettes, Schoolherinneringen en Greek Letters
niet in de handel/not for sale

Tom Meets Jane

an impression by Mercator on the fictional meeting between T.C.Boyle and Jane Austen, described in the short story by T.C.Boyle: I Dated Jane Austen, hand-set in Bembo; printed in February 2006 in 43 copies for the annual publication of HBB, the Society of Printers and Bibliophiles at Haarlem, with 2 illustrations showing Tom and Jane 11 pag. 24 x 14 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

Will You Still Need Me Then?

a poem by Mercator for Carolien Verdam on the occasion of her sixty-third birthday on 20 April 2006; hand-set in Lutetia; printed in 20 copies on Velin de Lana 225 g 8 pag. 24 x 15 cm
niet in de handel

I Love Homer

fanmail printed on 5 t-shirts in 1984
not for sale

de ideale bladwijzer

contribution to the Bookmark project of Drukwerk in de Marge, organised by Willem Kramer of Mercator Press, presented in September 1986, hand-set in Gill, collected in a black column made by Phoenix Binderies 7 x 20 cm
niet in de handel


invitation to attend the official promotion to a doctorate in Law of Co Allan on 21 October 2005 and an invitation for a lunch on 5 November 2005, hand-set in Garamond, printed in 50 copies 19 x 14,5 cm 19 x 14,5 cm
niet in de handel

gekke bekke

20 pictures of funny faces, with accompanying rhymes, for Jasmijn on the occasion of her third birthday on 14 August 2007, made at Berges in 10 copies 22 x 15,7 cm
niet in de handel

Jasmijn 4

a print for Jasmijn Schalekamp on the occasion of her fourth birthday on 14 August 2008, hand-set in several wooden letters and in Lectura, printed at Berges 50 x 48 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

f, g, h, i

the contribution of Mercator Press to WOORDenBOEK, written by members of Het Beschreven Blad, on the occasion of its 25th anniversary, celebrated on 27 September 2008, hand-set in Bembo and Lectura in 35 copies 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

rijmprent taal

the text of a poem taal by Mercator was hand-set in Gill 48 bold and printed in June 2011 in XV copies 1 65 x 48 cm
€ 50; ingelijst € 100


poster of the concert in the auditorium of Gymnasium Felisenum at Velsen on Thursday 22 January 2009 by Emmy verhey and Paolo Giacometti, hand-set in De Roos 36 and 24 pt, with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 1 pg 45 x 21,5 cm
€ 10
oorkonde HansR

oorkonde voor Hans Rombouts

a charter issued to Hans Rombouts on the occasion of his farewell from the graphic and bibliophile society Het Beschreven Blad on 3 January 2009, hand-set in Gravure and Egmont, printed in 10 copies 1 pg 59 x 32 cm
€ 20


Mercator's contribution to the annual issue of HBB, the bibliophile and graphical Society, Het Beschreven Blad, at Haarlem, titled ESSEN, hand-set in various wooden type, printed in February 2009 4 pp 21 x 14,8 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Jasmijn 5

hand-set in wooden letters and Lectura on Lana Royal paper 250 g in 5 copies for Jasmijn Schalekamp on the occasion of her fifth birthday on 14 August 2009 8 pp 32,5 x 26 cm
niet te koop


HOUTENLETTERPROEF hand-set in wooden letters at Berges, printed in the summer of 2009 in Berges in 55 copies as the contribution of Mercator Press to the Dutch-Hungarian type specimen 4 pp 42 x 29
sold out

Mona lisait

de beste wensen/best wishes for/les meillieurs voeux pour MMVIII, hand-set in superbold Gill 1 pag 15,2 x 10,2 cm

de reünie

12 impressions of attending a school reunion by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, with an illustration by Mercator, printed in X and 70 copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper 120 g with a cd on which the author reads the texts 24 pag. 27,8 x 19,7 cm
€ 15


a poem by Mercator, hand-set in Garamond, printed in February 2010, on Lana Royal 250 g, in 50 copies, in the series en dan nu toch wel even maar 's 2 p 16 x 10,8 cm
niet te koop/not for sale


a poem by Mercator on family likenes, hand-set in Garamond, printed in February 2011 on Velin de Lana 220 g, with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 22 x 16 cm
€ 20

weer een gedicht

sonnet 102 by Shakespeare, hand-set in Garamond 14 italic, with a Dutch translation by Mercator in Garamond 12, printed on 20 April 2010, with an illustration by Mercator, for Carolien 8 pp 19,8 x 16,6 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

Jasmijn zes

a poem hand-set in wooden letters and Lectura, printed at Berges in 6 copies by Mercator, on the occasion of the sixth birthday of Jasmijn Schalekamp on 14 August 2010 1 32 x 22 cm
niet te koop/not for sale


a poem by Mercator from the collection endanog, to be published in November 2011, to give Best Wishes for MMXI from Carolien, Willem Kramer & Mercator Press, hand-set in Garamond and printed in 100 copies, for friends of Mercator Press 2 pp 16 x 10,9 cm
niet te koop/not for sale


een ijle klacht, a futile complaint by Mercator, hand-set in Garamond 14, printed on Lana Royal 250 g as a leporello in 50 copies, 33 of which were for HBB, the bibilophile and graphical Society, Het Beschreven Blad at Haarlem 25 x 64 cm
€ 20


jazz, a poem by Mercator, was hand-set in De Roos and printed at Berges in May 2011 on Zerkall with an illustration by Mercator in X and 50 copies, 50 of which for Dick Wessels 8 p 18 x 18 cm

Jasmijn seven

Jasmijn seven was hand-set in Lectura and printed at Berges in seven copies for Jasmijn Schalekamp for her seventh birthday on 14 August 2011 1 p 40 x 32 cm
€ 25

gekke bekke 2

gekke bekke 2 was hand-made by Olivia en Jasmijn Schalekamp on 25 August 2011 and printed with the assistance of Mercator in 6 copies leporello 14,7 x 70 cm
not for sale


nine impressions by Mercator were hand-set in Garamond and with two illustrations by Mercator printed in November 2011 on Velin de Lana 250 g in 50 copies, with a cd on which the author reads the texts 24 pp 24 x 15 cm
€ 15

best wishes 2012

jonger, one of the poems from endanog, with the best wishes for MMXII on the verso side 2 pp 16 x 11 cm
not for sale


the text of a poem by Mercator, published in endanog, was hand-set in Nobel bold 48 and printed at Berges in July 2012 in X copies 1 p 60 x 50 cm
€ 50; framed € 100


was designed on 6 July 2012 by Olivia and Jasmijn and printed by Mercator in 30 copies 7 pp 12 x 9 cm
not for sale


this poem by Mercator, is the contribution of Willem Kramer for the annual publication of HBB, the bibliophile and graphical Society at Haarlem, in 40 copies with an illustration by the author 1 p 19,8 x 13,4
€ 15


two texts from elk wat wils, to be published in November 3013, hand-set in De Roos 10 pts, printed in Berges on Zerkall 150 g in X copies 8 p 14 x 10 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

de vrouw van mijn dromen

two texts by Mercator from elk wat wils, which is to be published in November 2013, hand-set in Bembo, printed in August 2013 on Simili Japon 150 g, in 50 copies 8 p 31 x 16 cm
€ 15

on boit

le texte, un éloge du vin français, et également un aperçu des caractères en bois et en plomb, Nobel, De Roos, Lectura, a été composé à la main et achevé d’imprimer le 20 septembre 2013 sur Simili Japon 225 g en X exemplaires, numérotés et signés 1 p 50 x 45 cm
€ 50; encadré € 100


25 x 20 cm
€ 10


a poem by Mercator, written for the grandchildren in December 2014, printed on Arches 160 g in 10 copies with an illustration by Mercator 18 x 12 cm
niet te koop/not for sale


a print of the poem 848 by Mercator, from een glas wijn, hand-set in Gill 24 p ultra bold and printed in January 2015 on Simili Japon 250 g in 20 copies, signed and numbered 1 p 48 x 31 cm
€ 40; ingelijst € 75


two poems by Mercator 848 and jeugd, from een glas wijn, hand-set in Lutetia 14 pt and printed in August 2015 on Arches 160 g in 105 and X exemplaren, of which the nrs 1-105 were meant for 40+, the project of Drukwerk in de Marge to celebrate its 40th year birthday bestaan 8 pp 26 x 16
€ 15


15,8 x 11,5 cm
not for sale

een glas wijn

fragments of conversations and thoughts were hand-set in Lutetia and printed in June 2015 on Arches 160 g in X and 60 copies with 8 illustrations by Dick Berendes 24 pp 23 x 16 cm
€ 20; bound € 60

848 friends

a print of the poem 848 by Mercator, from een glas wijn ,in an English translation by Mercator, hand-set in Gill 28 ultra bold and printed in January 2015 on Simili Japon 250 g in 20 copies, signed and numbered 70 x 50 cm
€ 40; ingelijst € 75


a poem from een portret was hand-set in Lutetia and printed on 31 December 2015 on Zerkall-Bütten in 40 copies for friends of Mercator Press to wish all the best for 2016 18 x 11 cm
not for sale


10 collages made in January 2016 and collected in a book, one unique copy, with a binding of Zaans carton 350 g 12 pp 28,5 x 20 cm
€ 250

een portret

a portrait of the poet in 8 short poems, hand-set in Lutetia, and printed in December 2015 on Simili Japon 130 g in 50 copies, with an illustration by Jörg Remé 20 pp 22,5 x 16 cm
€ 20


a print with a poem by Mercator from een portret hand-set in Gill 48 bold, and printed in February 2016 in X copies, numbered and signed 1 p 50 x 40 cm
€ 35; ingelijst € 75

een portret en cd in hoes

€ 5


a poem from dromen, published separately in March 2016 with an illustration by Mercator verschenen als bijdrage van Willem Kramer aan de jaaruitgave van HBB 8 pp 15 x 10 cm
€ 15


a poem from een portret was hand-set in Lutetia and printed in March 2016 on Simili Japon 160 g in 40 copies, with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 25 x 18 cm
€ 15


a short text about nothing by Mercator, hand-set in 13 different types, recently acquired and not used before, printed on Arches 160 g in 60 copies, with the best wishes for 2018 8 pp 21,5 x 30 cm
€ 15

neem me

a type specimen of Mercator Press having 4 texts from dromen by Mercator, hand-set in Mercator, Gill, Bodoni, Lutetia, printed in March 2018, with 5 illustrations by Wijnand van de Vin, on Simili Japon 250 g, in 24 copies, numbered and signed 33,5 x 24 cm


dromen, nine new poems by Mercator, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in the winter of 2018 on Arches 160 g in 40 copies, with 6 illustrations by Dick Berendes typografiek 24 pp 24 x 15 cm


a text by Mercator in a collage 1p 60 x 48 cm

tafeltje, dekje

a collage of beasts and letters 1p 60 x 48 cm
€ 75


a portrait of my friend and colleague in the workshop 30 x 40
not for sale/niet te koop

Lady Macbeth

a collage of a literary lady in distress 40 x 60 cm
not for sale/niet te koop

goede morgen

Meeting a stranger can be fun 40 x 60 cm
€ 75

blue skyscrapers

blue skyscrapers 40 x 60 cm
€ 75

Heemstede en omstreken

regional poems by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), hand-set in Cancellaresca Bastarda, printed in December 1986 on Zerkall-Bütten paper in 75 copies, 10 of which bound in red cloth by Phoenix Binderies 16 pag. 24,5 x 16 cm
€ 20

Ad Sem

a poem by Saul van Messel (Dr Jaap Meyer), written on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Sem Hartz, hand-set in Bembo, printed in 60 copies, presented at Gemeentelijke Openbare Bibliotheek Heemstede 4 pag. 33 x 25 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


a collection of new priapean poems by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), hand-set in Lutetia, with 2 illustrations by Lex ter Braak, printed on Zerkall-Bütten in July 1987 in 100 copies, 10 of which bound in red cloth by Phoenix Binderies 32 pag. 28 x 20 cm
gebr.€ 75; geb. uitverkocht

Poëtische pas op de plaats

a collection of aforisms by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), hand-set in Lectura, printed in X and 75 signed copies,on the occasion of the 75th birthday of the poet on 18 November 1987, of which X copies bound by Phoenix Binderies 24 pag. 14,5 x 19,5 cm
€ 20

Ballade van de non

one of the best priapean poems from Toverstaf by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), hand-set in Lutetia, printed in December 1987, with an illustration by Braak, in 30 copies and X copies bound in black cloth by Phoenix Binderies 8 pag. 28 x 20 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

vijf voor twaalf

this poem by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), written at the request of the publisher, hand-set in Cancelleresca Bastarda in December 1987, printed in 100 copies with the best wishes for 1988 4 pag. 21 x 16 cm
€ 20

Na het concert

a new priapean poem by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), hand-set in Lutetia, printed in May 1997 in 50 copies, with an illustration of Candy, the Dutch saxophone player 2 pag. 17,5 x 14 cm
€ 10


uitverkocht/sold out


a new priape by Saul van Messel (Dr. Jaap Meyer), written in September 1987 at Mercator's request, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in December 1999, in 200 copies on Lana Royal paper 250 g in the form of a dagger

linea erecta

priapic poems and priapeia by Saul van Messel, Dr Jaap Meijer, from the archives of Mercator Press, hand-set in Bembo, printed in March 2011, on Arches 160 g, in X and 60 copies, with an illustration by Mercator 24 pp 22 x 16 cm
cloth € 75; gebroch. € 20

Gouden Afrodite

fragment 1 by Mimnermos, hand-set in Times Greek, with a facing Dutch translation by Mercator in Lutetia, printed on 18 March 1989 in 75 copies, with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
€ 20

Tuin aan het Spaarne

a poem by George Moormann, hand-set in Walbaum 14 pts and printed in 200 copies for Map met Spaarne-gedichten, which was made by the Printers of HBB, the Society of Printers and Book Lovers at Haarlem, at the request of De Zingende Zaag on the occasion of Poetry Night on Saturday 14 February 2004 at Toneelschuur at Haarlem
niet in de handel/not for sale
De kosmische dans

De kosmische dans

a poem by George Moormann, written for the Bilderdijk Memorial Service at Bavo Cathedral in Haarlem, on the occasion of the 250th birthday of the poet on 18 December 2006, collected in the so-called ,Bilderdijk sarcophagus, a publication of De Zingende Zaag, hand-set in Lectura, printed in 500 copies 27,5 x 14,8 cm
papieren geritsel

papieren geritsel

a poem by George Moormann, the poet laureate of the city of Haarlem, written on the occasion of 410 years of Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem, the 410th anniversary of the Municipal Library of Haarlem, hand-set in Lectura, printed at Berges in July 2008 by Augustijn Press and Mercator Press in XXX copies, numbered and signed by poet and printers 60 x 48 cm
€ 75; framed € 150

scherpe tanden

two poems by George Moormann on Bilderdijk, de kosmische dans en het luide graf , hand-set in Lectura, printed in May 2010 at Berges, in 50 copies on Zerkall paper, with an illustration by Mercator 8 pag. 20,4 x 13,8 cm
€ 15

De neus van Harry

de neus van Harry by George Moormann was hand-set in Lutetia and printed in December 2013 on Simili Japon 130 g in 80 copies with an illustration by Paul van der Steen 4 pp 21,5 x 12 cm
€ 20


a poem by Paul van Ostaijen, hand-set in De Roos, printed on the occasion of the birthday of Geerten Leonard ter Braak on 8 May, in 60 copies 8 pag. 12,5 x 9 cm
€ 20
Fwd: E-mail verzenden: alp.


Paul van Ostaijen's Song of the Alps Hunters, translated into Old Greek by Mercator, hand-set in Augustyn Griekx 604, a letter designed by Fleischmann in 1740, printed in December 2007, in 50 copies on Zerkall-Butten, for the collection Men versta mij wel, presented to René Hesselink 24 x 16
niet in de handel


5 etchings of Jörg Remé, made in the 1960s and not yet printed before, hand-coloured by the artist, with texts from Ovidius, Fasti, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in December 1996 on Arches paper 250 g in 30 copies; bound and in a slipcase of green cloth 24 pag. 40 x 29,5 cm
€ 250

De Geleerde Man

an acrosticon by Michel van der Plas, hand-set in Lutetia in August 1986, printed in 100 copies, with an illustration by Willem Snitker, presented on 1 September 1986 at restaurant De geleerde man 8 pag. 33,5 x 25 cm

Kist voor Kees

Pour toi mon amour, a poem by Jacques Prévert from Paroles, hand-set in De Roos, printed at Berges in July 2016 on Arches 160 g in 70 copies, 60 of which for Kist voor Kees 8 pp 22 x 16 cm


trois poèmes de Jacques Prévert, composés à la main en De Roos, achevés d’imprimer le 12 juin 2017 à Berges, sur Arches 160 g dans 35 exemplaires, avec 4 illustrations par Mercator, numérotés et signés 16 pp 20 x 15 cm
€ 20

Biggenvangen in Heemstede anno 1900

a passage from Ik ga m'n eigen baan by Apie Prins, hand-set in Baskerville, printed in December 1983 in 75 copies on the occasion of the 35th birthday of Gemeentelijke Openbare Bibliotheek Heemstede as nr.1 in de series Heemsteedse miniaturen 20 pag. 25 x 17 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

Propertius, boek 1, carmen 2

hand-set in Gill with 2 facing translations, one by Mercator, the other, a vulgar version, by Erica Prins, Peter Stevenhagen and Rieuwert van Bodegraven, printed in 100 copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper, with a linocut by Lex ter Braak 6 pag. 34 x 22,5 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


a new poem by J.P.Rawie and a translation of ao desconcerto do mundo by Camoes facing the original text, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in 80 copies on Arches paper, with an illustration by Mercator, on the occasion of the reading by the poet on 21 March in Sociëteit Vereeniging at Haarlem 20 x 15,3 cm
€ 20

in memoriam Gerrit Komrij

Komrij by Jean Pierre Rawie and De tijd is op by Menno Wigman, two poems in memoriam Gerrit Komrij, hand-set in Lutetia and printed in October 2013 on Arches 150 g in 50 copies with an illustration by Mercator 12 pg 22,5 x 16,3 cm
€ 30

mais il y a

a text by La Rochefoucauld was hand-set in Lectura 24 p at Berges and printed in July 2011 on Zerkall in VI copies 1 p 65 x 48 cm
€ 50; ingelijst € 100

il y a

a print of the text from Reflexions diverses X in the original French,hand-set in Lectura and Nobel, with a linoprint of La Rochefoucauld made by Mercator at Berges in July 2015 1 p 70 x 50 cm
€ 40; ingelijst € 75

Shakespeare, Sonnet xxx

on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Harry Wich, hand-set in Bembo, with an illustration by Mercator, printed in February 1997 in 70 copies on Zerkall paper 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Shakespeare, Sonnet xxx

hand-set in, with al illustration by Mercator, printed on Zerkall-Bütten paper in February 1997 in 70 copies for 6th-form students of Gymnasium Felisenum 8 pag. 20 x 14 cm
€ 10

Sorrows End

sonnet XXX by Shakespeare, hand-set in Bembo and Gill, with a facing translation in Dutch by W.van Elden, printed in May 1998, in 16 copies on Fabriano paper 250 g, with a Fabriano Roma cover, with 3 etchings by Jörg Remé, in 16 copies made and printed at Stamperia Tintoretto, Venic, numbered and signed by the artist 16 pagina's 20 x 29 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

Sorrows End

sonnet XXX by Shakespeare, hand-set in Bembo and Gill, with a facing translation in Dutch by W.van Elden, printed in May 1998, in 5 copies on Fabriano paper 250 g, with a Fabriano Roma cover 8 pagina's 20 x 29 cm
uitverkocht/sold out

sonnet 102

sonnet 102 by Shakespeare, hand-set in Garamond 14 italic, printed in March 2010, in 50 copies in the series en dan nu toch wel even maar 's 2 21,6 x 16 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

sonnet 30

Shakespeare's Sonnet 30, in a translation by Mercator, was hand-set in Garamond and printed in October 2010, in 50 copies, for the collection en dan nu toch wel even maar 's 2 pp 21,6 x 16 cm
niet te koop/not for sale

Sweets Grown Common

the Sonnets 30 and 102 by Shakespeare, with facing Dutch translations by Mercator, hand-set in Garamond 14, with an illustration by Mercator, printed in September 2010 in 50 copies on Zerkall-Bütten paper 16 pp 20 x 17 cm
€ 15

Japansche danseres

a poem by Slauerhoff from Al dwalend, selected by Jan Schnerr, on the occasion of the seventh Literary Salon of Kennemer Gasthuis, hand-set in Walbaum, printed on Zerkall paper 225 g, in 150 copies, with a wood engraving by Peter Lazarov, printed from the block 8 pagina's 20 x 25 cm
€ 50

leraren, een ondankbaar soort

epigram 219 by Strato of Sardeis from book XII of the Anthologia Palatina, hand-set in Grieks No 600, an 18th Century Enschedé letter, with a Dutch translation by Mercator, hand-set in Bembo, with an illustration by Mercator, printed in November 2009 on Zerkall-Bütten paper in 50 copies for Ger Kleis on the occasion of his 70th birthday 8 pag 24 x 15 cm
uitverkocht/sold out


six epigrams from book XII of the Anthologia Palatina: 145, 3, 4, 219, 9, 216 were hand-set in Grieks No 600, a 18th Century letter of Enschedé, with Dutch translations by Mercator hand-set in Bembo, printed in February 2010, on Zerkall-Bütten 120 g, in X and 60 copies with an illustration by Mercator 24 pag. 27,7 x 19,3 cm
1 -60 € 20; I - X € 75

een goed jaar

this poem by Wijnand van de Vin was hand-set in Bembo in September 2009 and printed in 30 copies on Somerset Velvet White 250 g with an illustration by Jörg Remé for the members of Collège Bourguignon 4 pag 14,3 x 9,6 cm
niet te koop/not for sale


a poem by Wijnand van de Vin, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in December 2018, with the best wishes for 2019 8 pp 19 x 12 cm
not for sale

een vergeten letter

two poems, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in June 2019 in 50 copies on Arches 160 g for the Project Vergeten letters with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 20,5 x 29,5 cm

Korte geschiedenis van het College Bourguignon (derde druk)

this third edition of Short History of College Bourguignon, corrected and brought up to date, was edited and printed for the occasion of the 55th anniversary of College Bourguignon on 17 September 2012 by Mercator 36 pp 21,8 x 16 cm
€ 40

Het niemandsland van de slaap

this poem was Mercator's contribution to the Drukwerk in de Marge project Een Doos Die Eenmaal Open Nooit Meer Dicht, hand-set in Lectura and printed in August 1984 in 90 copies on Drie Kronen paper 4 pp 24,5 x 15
uitverkocht/sold out

oude boeken op zolder

a poem by Hans Warren, hand-set in Gill, printed in October 2010 in 50 copies, 40 of which for Ronald Rijkse, on the occasion of his farewell from Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, with an illustration by Mercator 8 pp 25 x 16,5 cm
€ 20


grasmaand by Arie van den Berg, Puer by Menno Wigman, taal by Mercator were hand-set in Garamond 12 p. and printed in May 2014 in 100 copies on Zerkall paper 120 g on the occasion of Edo Velema retiring from Gymnasium Felisenum, Velsen 16 pp 20 x 28 cm
€ 20

Two Poems

by Menno Wigman, hand-set in Mercator and printed on Zerkall-Bütten in February 1985, with a lino-cut by Lex ter Braak, signed by both the author and the artist, in 90 copies 12 pp. 25 x 17 cm
€ 30

Rust niet

a poem by Menno Wigman, written on the occasion of the euro introduction, hand-set in Lutetia in February 2002, with an printout in colour of a coin depicting Alexander the Great, printed in 60 copies on Velin de Lana-paper 250g 8 pag. 21 x 15 cm
€ 15

Het licht is als het licht

a new poem by Menno Wigman, inspired by Self Portrait by Erich Wichman, a picture in the collection of Centraal Museum at Utrecht, hand-set in Bembo, printed in June 2003, in 50 copies on Velin de Lana 250g, with a print of Self Portrait 8 pag. 21 x 15 cm
€ 15


a poem by Menno Wigman, written for BEELDEN anoniem, hand-set in Garamond and printed in 40 copies in December 2002 for members of Het Beschreven Blad, the Society of Printers and Bibliophiles at Haarlem with an illustration by Wijnand van de Vin 17 x 24,5
niet in de handel/not for sale

De droefenis van copyrettes

two poems by Menno Wigman, hand-set in Garamond, with three illustrations by Peter Lazarov, printed in January 2006 in 60 and X copies on Velin de Lana paper 250 g, signed by poet and artist 12 pag. 21 x 15 cm


this poem by Menno Wigman published in Beelden anoniem with the title Met de neus in de boeken, in the collection Dit is mijn dag with the title Puber, now for the first time with the original title Puer in the form of a multi-colour print; hand-set in Garamond 36; printed on Velin de Lana Royal Bright 250 g in April 2006 in 24 numbered copies, signed by the poet and the printer 60 x 48 cm
€ 200

genoeg, genoeg

a print of Onbegonnen werk from De droefenis van copyrettes was produced in memoriam Edo Velema (1949-2015), the beloved teacher and Assistant Headmaster of Gymnasium Felisenum. He was a good friend of Menno Wigman. The tekst was hand-set in Garamond, the favourite letter of the poet, and printed in XV copies, numbered and signed. 1 p 60 x 48 cm
€ 50; ingelijst € 100

On the Massacre of the Christians in Bulgaria

the sonnet by Oscar Wilde, hand-set in Bembo 16 pts, printed in November 2012, in 30 copies, on Simili Japon 130 g, with a wood engraving by Peter Lazarov printed from the block 8 pp 24,5 x 16,5 cm
€ 15

Great Pan Is Dead

ten sonnets by Oscar Wilde, hand-set in Bembo 16 pts condensed, printed in April 2013, in 30 copies on Simili Japon 130 g, with a wood engraving by Peter Lazarov, printed from the block 24 24,5 cm x 16,5 cm
€ 25; cloth € 50

ten sonnets - tien sonnetten

ten sonnets by Oscar Wilde with facing translations by Dr C.W.Schoneveld, hand-set in Bembo 16 pts condensed, printed in April 2013, on Simili Japon 15 g, in V and 70 copies, with a wood engraving by Peter Lazarov, printed from the block 36 pp 24,5 x 18,4 cm
€ 25; cloth € 50


a poem by Jaco van Witteloostuijn, written on the occasion of 25 years of Polyphoon, hand-set in Lutetia, printed in March 2007 in LXXX copies on Lana Royal paper 250 g, with an illustration by Mercator 4 pp 26,5 x 26
niet in de handel/not for sale

Not Chaos

a fragment from the poem by Wordsworth The Prelude,hand-set in Cancelleresca Bastarda 21 x 15 cm
€ 20

Xenophanès, fragment 18

fragment 18, hand-set in Antigone and the facing Dutch translation by Mercator in Cancellaresca Bastarda, printed in 10 copies on New Year´s Eve 1983 4 pag. 14 x 17 cm
niet in de handel/not for sale

Xenophanès, fragmenten

fragments 34, 11, 14, 15, 32, 18, hand-set in Antigone, the facing translations by Mercator, Peter Stevenhagen and Pieter Wispelwey, hand-set in Cancelleresca Bastarda, printed in June 1984 in 75 copies and X copies in blue cloth bound by Cynthia, with an illustration by Lex ter Braak 24 pag. 15 x 20 cm
uitverkocht/sold out